NEXODUS created seamless VFX for three SNY ads showcasing New Yorkers watching sports from iconic city landmarks—only to reveal they were actually on a soundstage in Brooklyn. Our work included matte paintings, digital environments, and compositing to transform ordinary scenes into spectacular locations like the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building. The campaign highlights SNY’s promise of complete New York sports coverage—anytime, from any place.
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Project Credits
- VFX Supervisor
- Matthew Steidl
- Senior CG Generalist
- Mike Oakley
- Matte Painter
- Cedric Tomacruz
- Compositors
- Andrew Mumford
Cornelia Magas
Josh McGuire
Robert Rossello
- VFX Coordinator
- Cindy Ormondroyd
- DevOps & Pipeline Engineer
- Donald Strubler
- Director of Operations
- Anthony Kramer
- Executive Producer
- John Baer
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